Farmington Lyft Accident Attorney
Although ridesharing companies like Lyft offer everyone with clean, reliable vehicles to earn modest livings, the process is still imperfect. Drivers may be vetted for criminal and driving infractions, but none are drug tested or required to prove they’re able to consistently offer safe driving with other passengers in tow. In fact, many states are starting to lobby for tougher rideshare laws across the board.
Many accidents have happened where Lyft drivers simply weren’t paying attention or were under the influence while trying to make a few bucks. The Jardine Law Offices P.C. offer their personal injury litigation services to victims needing that one trustworthy Lyft accident attorney collision victims have trusted for many years will get their claims compensated.
Vehicles will get wrecked. Medical attention will be provided. Somebody will pay for others’ pain and suffering. These and many facts are automatic when rideshare accidents happen on Utah’s many scenic roads. What differentiates normal vehicle accidents from ridesharing collisions is which insurer foots the victims’ bills.
Normally, drivers deemed at-fault will see claims go against their personal insurer. However, Lyft blankets that policy with their own $1 million dollars in total accident coverage. This means that provided the totality of Lyft driver’s accident is worth less than $1 million dollars (sum of all claims), Lyft will cover the incident provided the ride is accepted from their app.
An already horrific accident gets progressively worse when personal liability exceeds $1 million dollars, which isn’t uncommon in wrongful deaths stemming from Lyft driver negligence. However, Jardine Law Offices P.C. can work with any sticky situation to assure families and victims that compensation is paid in accordance with injuries sustained. Their Farmington Lyft accident attorney works diligently to make sure proper accountability is attached to drivers at fault.
Rideshare accidents, although much less frequent than regular vehicle accidents, can put fear into future ridesharing participants. When enough have occurred, perhaps Lyft will make driving requirements stricter, or put inexperienced drivers through rigorous testing prior to accepting them. In the interim, Jardine Law Offices P.C. will continue fighting for victims’ rights.
Utah roads are breathtaking. Salt Lake City has a nostalgic value that attracts visitors from around the world, many of who’ll take Lyft and similar ridesharing services around town. Lyft is supposed to be fun, inexpensive, and an excellent way to discover the splendors of this magnificent city and state. When these independently contracted taxis fail to operate their vehicles properly, accidents happen.
Looking for the Lyft accident attorney Farmington residents use during personal injury crises, but aren’t sure whether you’ve got a substantial case? Ask Joseph Jardine and Peter Goodall, two experts from Jardine Law Offices P.C. to review your claim free of charge. They know most claims that involve personal injury due to another’s negligence have value, but it’s ultimately up to their negotiation skills.
Contact the Farmington Lyft accident attorney firm that cares when you’re injured in ridesharing accidents.
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